About La bella Sophie
Who does that? La bella Sophie - wooden jewelry storage for rings, necklaces, bracelets, hair ties & children's jewelry?

Ester Gambotto was born in Oleggio, Piemonte, Italy, Earth. Interstellar Date September 23, 1982 AD Born on the kitchen table, designed by mother and made by Nonno Silvio, carpenter and cooper. She studied at the scientific college "Liceo scientifico Salesiano" and then at the "Accademia di belle arti A.C.M.E". She works as a restorer of frescoes, lecturer in schools and cataloger in the ethnographic museum of Oleggio. In 2012 she fell in love with the bear from Ticino and Berlin, who has kidnapped her soul, heart and mind ever since. She has been pursuing the career as the mother of Sophie Marlénes since 2014, she is still waiting for the final hiring and thus for the mother's salary ... From 2019 she will start a secondary career as a craftsman, founding "La Bella Sophie" - jewelry storage for rings, Necklaces, bracelets, hair ties & children's jewelry and here we are.
Special thanks go to mother Paola and father Gianni, the great love Kevin from Berlin and the source of inspiration from La Theca di Sophie - Sophie Marléne.